17 MayLYS Tour – Day 2

Day 2 of the tour was another success! Today my tour-mate was my MIL Teresa.

We started off the day at the Crafters Co-op in Oak Harbor then headed down to Knitty Purls in Langley where I found my sock blockers at long last! Then, for the second year in a row, Teresa and I made the ferry with perfect timing and got right over the water.

We headed down south to Makers Mercantile in Kent, which is like a knitter’s heaven. I picked up another skein of the t-shirt yarn:

20130517-220548.jpg so I can make another fun set of baskets!

After that, we went to The Knittery in Renton and headed back north to an old favorite, Serial Knitters where I found some scrumptious yarn for a super cute scarf/shawlette:


After a pretty crappy freeway trek, we finally got to Main Street Yarn in Mill Creek. Then it was a nice drive over to a new favorite, Country Yarns in Snohomish, where I picked up a potential surprise, and then we took the scenic route to Great Yarns. I swear you can find any specialty sparkly yarn your heart could desire in that store!

Our final destination was out to Pinchknitter Yarns in Stanwood. The only LYS I know of that sells hemp.

All in all a super day! So exhausted, hit it was well worth it.

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