26 DecBooks, Books, and More Books!

I got a new phone a while back (Sprint HTC Hero) and one of the apps I downloaded is the Book Mobile…so, today I entered every book I could find in the house. 181 so far. It’s really cool and syncs with Google Books. Having a phone with a bar code scanner is so neat.

I know I am missing some that are out on loan and I know that some are my husband’s books (but since this is a community property state, I figured it was safe to add them too and the bonus is that I can know what books he already has in the event I feel the need to buy him a new one). 🙂

After I spent the day adding books to google, I found www.librarythingcom. It hasn’t cleanly imported all my books, but since I just read that for the “free” membership you can only have 200 books, I guess that’s okay. I am not sure I need an “upgraded” membership. I like the google books just fine.

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