27 AugHappiness Project

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I posted! It’s been a pretty interesting year. I’ve been super consistent in working out and fairly consistent in nutrition and so-so on everything else. Last September, I read a book that became pretty life changing: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (TMM). This year, I came across a new book with the potential for being life changing as well, and it encourages one of my favorite things, list making: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Particularly, a list of resolutions.

Coincidently, my last post here was my resolution list for 2018. My resolution lists are usually things that I feel will make me happy, so I’m going to incorporate some of that. Basically, the happiness project is making a list of resolutions that will make you happy and doing them. I pretty much have spent the last year doing this in that one of the premises of TMM is getting up early and doing the Life SAVERS with the idea that this practice will lead to well-being. I have found that pretty useful, but as the days go by, I have realized that I am using my time ineffectively. So, I am going to take what I have learned from practicing SAVERS and incorporate the concepts from the Happiness Project. And…finally, I’ll have to incorporate some of the principals from one of the other life changing books I’ve read in the last year: PUSH: 30 Days to Turbocharged Habits, a Bangin’ Body, and the Life You Deserve! by Chalene Johnson. Figure out your lifechanging goals and implement an action plan to accomplish them.

When I first saw that starting a Happiness Project group was recommended, my first thought was “heck yeah! I’m totally starting a group!” But, I’ve changed my mind. I LOVE heading groups, but I’ve got to tone those kinds of activities back to accomplish my project. So, what am I doing? I’m going to craft my project, rejuvenate this blog, and see what happens. If you are interested in your own project and want to connect, please do!

I don’t know how I’m doing this yet, but stayed tuned!

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