29 DecObligatory Resolution List

It’s that time of year again! I didn’t do so well last year….I did surpass my reading goal and knit a lot from stash, but otherwise 2013 was a goal bust.

Oh well, there’s always 2014! So here we go….

For the Mind

1) read 102 books (increased from goal of 52 for previous years – read 67 in 2012 and 98 in 2013)
2) of those books, finish the BBC top 200
3) use the Rosetta Stone Spanish program purchased in 2013 but never opened and learn Spanish
4) go to church more than once every three months and not just because I am scheduled in the nursery

For the Body

5) lose this last 20ish pounds
6) commit to 5 hours a week at the gym even if I can’t make it to a class and have to come up with a workout on my own
7) get the “grae” tattoo and maybe even the “twin” tattoo

For Fun

8) go skydiving
9) take the kids camping using tents and everything
10) knit from stash
11) take line dancing lessons

For the Home

12) use reusable grocery bags
13) purchase and install and organize overhead garage storage
14) FlyLady daily
15) finish photo albums
16) decorate living room with paint and art and maybe new furniture if possible
17) get curtains for basement
18) re-take and put into practice Financial Peace University
19) do filing on a weekly basis

Because 24 Seems Like a Good Number

20) start hardwood floor fund
21) use the drop spindles and roving I’ve collected and actually learn to make some yarn
22) golf once a week during good weather
23) quit smoking (again – for real)
24) limit eating lunch out to once per week

That should do it. I checked, and my resolutions seem to be in line with the most popular resolutions out there. See, US Government Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions list.

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