Not only did I get another 300 or so songs on the iPod, I knitted my CLKWC swatch today! I will need to use size 9 needles. Unfortunately, I don’t have long enough circular needles, so I started on my handy Denise’s. These are great needles but I feel like they snag a bit sometimes. Also, I am glad I decided to try the lace on some scrap yarn…I am only 2 stitches in and it says to “yarn over”, which would not be a big deal, but I have no clue how to yarn over and the only instructions I can find are for right handed knitters. Of course, I can’t be a normal left handed knitter and use the “continental” method, I literally knit the opposite way of a righty, thus, the pictures aren’t helpful because I can’t even seem to do it backwards like I normally would?!?! Help! Someone, please help.
Someday, I’ll be a talented knitter and I’ll write lefty knitting instructions for backwards knitters. Yeah.
EDIT: I watched’s video and I *think* I got it. I guess we’ll see?
Onto more important news, today is Mystery, aka “Puppers,'” very 1st birthday! Here she is looking very cute:
I had DH stop at Petco for a can of Hobo Chilli and a birthday toy….Apparently, Hobo Chili has been recalled due to botchulism (*yikes*). She seemed happy with what he brought and she appears to love her toy.